Service, License and Libraries
Old version information
Service, License and Libraries
Knockout 3.4.2 knockout-sortable 1.1.0 knockout-postbox 0.6.0 Masonry 3.2.3 (use in old application) imagesLoaded 4.0.0 (use in old application) spin.js 2.3.2 jQuery 3.3.1 jQuery ui 1.12.1 jQuery Inview 1.0.0 (use in old application) tablesorter 2.20.1 (only use CSS) iCheck 1.0.2 (use in old application) driveway 0.0.6 lazysizes 4.0.1 | JSON3 3.3.2 (use in old application) es6-promise 4.1.1 axios 0.18.0 clipboard.js 2.0.0 ZeroClipboard 2.2.0 (use in old application) pretty-checkbox 3.0.0 |